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Music Ministries

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir serves as the foundation of the Music Ministry at Central. This dedicated all-volunteer choir leads choral music during Sunday morning worship services and to various special services throughout year.

In addition to preparing anthems for regular worship, the choir often takes on larger compositions:

The Chancel Choir collaborated with five other churches in the Anderson area to perform Handel's Messiah.

Additionally, the Central Chancel Choir teamed up the Chancel Choir from St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Charleston, to present the Rutter Requiem in both Anderson and Charleston. Later that year members of both choirs traveled to New York to perform the piece under the composer's direction at Carnegie Hall.

The Chancel Choir rehearsals are led by our Director of Music, Mandy Keathley, on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. All adults and youth in the 9th through 12th grades are welcome!

A nursery is available during rehearsals on request.

Chancel Choir
Handbell Choirs

Handbell Choirs

Handbells bring a vibrant touch to every worship service at Central. These choirs rely on volunteers to present special music during worship services several times a year. They also often perform hymn descants and accompany choirs. 

Central possesses 5 octaves of Malmark Handbells along with  3 Octaves of Choir Chimes. If you can tell the difference between blue and red and can count to four, you’re ready to play handbells!

Children & Youth Choirs

Children & Youth Choirs

Central offers a Graded Choir Program for our Children and Youth. As they advance their musical journey, they are also encouraged to delve into their spiritual education by learning about worship leadership, showcasing their talents through the church and understanding how to use the gifts bestowed by God for his purpose.


Along with participating in and leading special worship services throughout the year, the choirs also present an annual Christmas Pageant and a Spring Musical. We invite you to consider enrolling your child or youth in the Covenant Youth Choir or the Children's Choir.

The Organ at Central Presbyterian

The Organ at Central

Central Presbyterian boasts an impressive four independent 16' ranks, complemented by an additional four reed and trumpet ranks, a for a pipe organ of this size. Located directly the choir area, the pipe rooms feature plaster walls that enhance sound reflection into the. The organ includes a modern digital interface, musicians to connect it to laptops and other accessories, expanding its capabilities.

The console is mounted on a movable platform, allowing it to be positioned in view of the congregation during recitals and public music events. All outdated analog wiring has been replaced with a solid-state switching system ensuring the organ is stable and easy to manage. The pipes vary in length from 16 feet to just a few inches, with the longer pipes creating the deep pedal tones played the feet.

Other Musical Opportunities

Other Musical Opportunities

We have many opportunities throughout the year for instrumentalists to share their gifts in worship. If you play an instrument, we would love to know about it! Please contact our Director of Music, Mandy Keathley, to confirm your interest in our programs. Let her know the instruments, as well as the level in which you are currently playing. 

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