Music Ministries
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is the backbone of the Music Ministry at Central. This all-volunteer choir provides choral leadership during the Sunday morning worship services. They also provide music for many of the special services throughout the year.
In addition to preparing anthems for the regular Sunday morning worship services, this choir frequently tackles larger works:
The Chancel Choir joined with 5 other Anderson area churches for a performance of Handel's Messiah.
The Central Chancel Choir also joined with the Chancel Choir from St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Charleston, SC to present performances of the Rutter Requiem in Anderson and Charleston. Later that year, members of both choirs traveled to New York to perform the work under the composer's baton in Carnegie Hall.
The Chancel Choir rehearsals are led by our Director of Music, Mandy Keathley, on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. All adults and youth in the 9th through 12th grades are welcome!
A nursery is available during rehearsals on request.
Handbell Choirs
The Youth Handbell Choir is open to all 6th through 12th graders. No experience is necessary for either choir. Contact Mandy Keathley for more details.
Handbells are a brilliant addition to every worship service at Central. These choirs use volunteers to provide special music for worship services several times during the year. In addition, they frequently play hymn descants, accompany the choirs, and offer music at the beginning of each worship service to call the congregation to quiet for the Prelude.
Central has 4 octaves of Malmark Handbells and are currently working towards raising money for a 5th octave, as well as Choir Chimes. If you can differentiate blue from red and count to four, you can play handbells!
Children & Youth Choirs
Central has a Graded Choir Program for our Children and Youth. As the children grow in their musical education, they are encouraged to explore their spiritual education by learning about worship leadership, sharing their talents with the world through the church, and learning what it means to use the gifts given by God for His purpose.
In addition to participating and leading select worship services throughout the year, the choirs present an annual Christmas Pageant and a Spring Musical. Consider enrolling your youth or child in the Covenant Youth Choir or the Children's Choir.
The Organ at Central
Central Presbyterian is fortunate to have four independent 16' pipe ranks along with four additional reed and trumpet ranks. This is rare in a pipe organ of this size. The pipe rooms are directly above the choir area and have plaster walls making them ideal to reflect the sound into the sanctuary. The organ is fitted with a modern digital interface that allows the musician to connect the organ to laptop computers and other accessories to broaden the scope of the instrument.
The console is on a moving platform that makes it possible to position the organ in plain view of the congregation for recitals and other public music events. All of the old analog wiring was removed and replaced with solid state switching system technology to make the organ stable and easy to control. The pipes range in length from 16 feet to only a few inches. The longer pipes produce the deep pedal sounds played by the feet.
Other Musical Opportunities
We have many opportunities throughout the year for instrumentalists to share their gifts in worship. If you play an instrument, we would love to know about it! Please contact our Director of Music, Mandy Keathley, to confirm your interest in our programs. Let her know the instruments, as well as the level in which you are currently playing.